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Welcome! You have been selected as an ongoing participant in the BEST study on post-Baccalaureate Experiences, Success, and Transition funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

What is BEST?
BEST is a national study that aims to gain insights into the post-college pathways of successful graduates from a wide range of academic disciplines.

How have you been involved?
As a BEST participant, you have already completed several surveys administered through the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA. The timeline below shows the different stages of surveying:


  • 2004 Freshman Survey: Focused on your early educational and career plans, beliefs, and attitudes
  • 2005 Your First College Year (YFCY) Survey: Focused on the academic and social activities of your first year in college
  • 2007-2008 College Senior Survey (CSS): Focused on the impact college had on you after four years, including your academic training and social activities during college
  • 2010-2011 Post-Baccalaureate Survey (PBS): Intends to focus on your career and/or graduate/professional school plans, activities, and progress after your graduation from college

Whether you have taken part in all or just a select number of these surveying opportunities, all of the BEST participants will again be contacted in 2010-2011 for the survey on post-baccalaureate experiences.

What are the benefits of continued participation in BEST?
  • Reflect on your own unique experiences during college
  • Share your individual success stories about your post-college career and/or advanced educational goals
  • Provide information to help educators improve the overall college experience for future generations of undergraduates
  • Contribute to a comprehensive research effort to identify academic and social activities that best prepare graduates for life after college
  • Represent the alumni of your undergraduate institution in a national study

Your continued participation in BEST is simple and only requires your willingness to complete the final Post-Baccalaureate Survey (PBS) when our research team contacts you in 2010-2011.