HERI announces three Summer Institutes for 2009
The CIRP Summer Institute enhances your ability to use CIRP data for assessment, campus decision-making, or for your own research. Newly designed for 2009, participants in this year’s CSI will learn the conceptual framework of the three CIRP student surveys, findings from major areas of CIRP research, how to analyze their own CIRP data, and will introduce the new CIRP factors. The Institute is taught by expert instructors from the Higher Education Research Institute, including CIRP Director John Pryor, CIRP Assistant Director for Research Linda DeAngelo, HERI Associate Director of Data Management & Analysis Serge Tran, and HERI Director Sylvia Hurtado. Participants may register for one of two tracks, depending on SPSS familiarity. August 12-14.
The Diversity Research Institute provides a framework to assess the institutional climate for diversity, campus diversity practices, and student outcomes. Participants will engage in problem-solving around equity research methods and discuss critical policy analysis. Facilitated by nationally-known experts in diversity Sylvia Hurtado, director of the Higher Education Research Institute, and Mitchell Chang, HERI Affiliated Scholar and Professor of Higher Education. August 6-7.
In the Research Methods for Critical Analysis of Quantitative Data Institute participants will learn to ask critical questions on equity issues and use techniques that have evolved to better understand inequities across the intersections of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic and immigration status, and institutional type. Institute directors are Sylvia Hurtado and Mitchell Chang. Two tracks are offered, one focused on multilevel modeling (instructor Marvin Titus) and the other on structural equation modeling (instructor Geoffrey Maruyama). July 1-3.
For more information, and how to register for these Institutes, please use the above links or call HERI at 310.825.1925.