Assessment Institute IUPUI
October 25-26, 2010
Using CIRP Surveys to Assess and Enhance the Student Experience
Tuesday October 26th, 12:45-2:00pm
In this session we will briefly review the conceptual and empirical foundations of CIRP
surveys and the ways institutions are using their CIRP results to guide improvement efforts. Examples from several four-year institutions will be offered to illustrate how colleges and universities have used CIRP results to assess undergraduate education, first-year experiences, general education outcomes, student persistence, and the interventions implemented to improve the student experience. Butler University has used its CIRP results in the development of its plan to assess the effectiveness of its new core curriculum requirements. The University of Michigan has used CIRP results to assess academic success and retention of first-year students in STEM majors.
Room: Grand 5
Laura J. Palucki Blake, Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA
Laura Behling, Butler University
Cindy Veenstra, Veenstra & Associates
Fernando Padro, Cambridge College