AERA April 27-May 1
HERI is excited to announce that 20 papers at the conference will present findings from analyses of CIRP data. Nine of these studies are being presented by HERI staff members or affiliated scholars; the remaining 11 studies have been conducted by researchers who were granted access to data through HERI’s data access process.
These presentations cover a diverse set of topics: four focus on faculty issues; three examine STEM student experiences; three investigate the influence of campus climate on diverse students’ experiences; and two consider student mobility patterns. Other topics include students’ social agency, graduate school plans, faculty interactions, college choice, affirmative action, college adjustment, academic achievement, and student participation in service learning.
A few of the highlights include:
HERI Assistant Director for Research Dr. Kevin Eagan presents with his co-author Dr. Audrey Jaeger on findings from the 2010-2011 Faculty Survey that address the tension between institutions’ increased use of contingent faculty and the ability of colleges and universities to respond to calls for increased community engagement. (Sunday, April 28, 12:25-1:55 p.m., Hilton Union Square, Ballroom Level – Continental 9).
Adriana Ruiz, a HERI graduate student researcher, presents with HERI Director Dr. Sylvia Hurtado on findings from CIRP’s Diverse Learning Environments survey. They identify differences across measures of institutional diversity in Latina/o students’ experiences with a hostile campus climate. (Tuesday, April 30, 5:05-6:35 p.m.).
Dr. Sylvia Hurtado presents with her research team in a symposium that highlights issues of STEM persistence and career trajectories for underrepresented students and faculty. Specific papers within this symposium examine engineering completion for all students and for Black students in particular; differences in biomedical science completion for pre-med and non-pre-med students; the experiences of female faculty of color in STEM; and the work to diversity STEM undergraduate education and the STEM workforce by underrepresented STEM pioneering faculty. (Wednesday, May 1, 12:25-1:55 p.m., Hilton Union Square, Ballroom Level – Continental 9).
Click here for a full list of papers presenting findings from analyses of CIRP data.