People often ask me if “things” will slow down at HERI now that summer is here. Perhaps they think we are about to start some type of summer respite from our traditional very busy pace? While the UCLA campus will …
I was skeptical about Twitter when I took on the task of managing HERI’s social media efforts. It’s not that I didn’t believe in the value of a social network like Twitter, or that I feared I wouldn’t have enough …
Many campuses invest a lot in survey research. Besides the costs of participating, staff spends considerable time analyzing, reporting and discussing survey results. We hear frequently from users about how important it is to ensure the information you receive from …
One of the conferences I look forward to most is the Association for Institutional Research annual forum, although I have to say I come away both energized and exhausted! In addition to all the CIRP-related presentations I am either giving …
Our 2010 American Freshman Survey, released in January, offered insight into a growing population on college campuses–students with “hidden” disabilities. Due to both the growth in the number of these students, and to help institutions better understand and serve this …
Are institutions doing everything they can to ensure a supportive environment for all of their students? Colleges and universities strive for the same goal–to provide a safe and welcoming environment for their students that allows them to achieve their potential. …
Over the past week, I was at back-to-back annual conferences for regional accrediting bodies. Even for someone who truly enjoys talking about assessing student learning and how to best provide evidence that your institution is meeting the institutional goals it …
It’s college letter acceptance time! With the CIRP 2010 Freshman Survey, we can better understand how students experience the admissions process, including how many college applications they sent, how many got into their first choice school, and why they applied …
On March 6, 2011, writer Sara Lipka of The Chronicle of Higher Education explored what colleges are doing to accommodate and support LGBT students on campus. In doing so, she discussed the importance of gauging students’ feelings about campus climate …
Accreditation is one of the main drivers of survey use on college campuses. Because CIRP surveys are comprehensive, they cover a wide variety of outcomes related to student growth and development. Results from CIRP surveys can be used in many …