We are pleased to provide institutions with their results from the 2011 administration of the CIRP Freshman Survey. As institutions head to the portal (www.cirpsurveys.com) to retrieve their results, it is perhaps wise to provide a quick overview of what …
We often talk about the impact the of the first-year experience on student learning, but we haven’t showed the impact (in a powerfully visual way) until now, with the debut of our new infographic poster that highlights how students are faring …
This week we released two important tools for examining institutional graduation rates. One is our report: “Completing College: Assessing Graduation Rates at Four-Year Institutions.” The other is a companion piece to that and the focus of this blog: the new …
“How do you figure out what is important to report in the Freshman Monograph each year?” This was a question posed by one of the reporters I talked with at the Education Writers Association conference held at UCLA this past …
HERI will be co-hosting its first-ever event geared to higher ed reporters with the Education Writers Association tomorrow (11/4). It seems like we are always at conferences—presenting or merely attending—but it’s rare that we host events on campus (with the exception …
October is always an interesting time here at CIRP. The 2011 Freshman Survey has closed, and we are all anxiously awaiting the data file so we can, like the researchers we are, dig into the data and see what we …
Although about 4 out of 5 students entering community colleges intend to transfer into a four-year institution, only about 1 in 4 ever do so. And, once in a four-year institution, even fewer make it to graduation. Information about the …
Civic engagement is top of mind for me this week. Not only have I begun to delve into the extensive research and publications we’ve (HERI) produced on the topic, but I will also be attending my first Association of American …
When I stumble upon a new blog or website that gets me thinking or helps me do my job better, I immediately bookmark it and make a note to myself to share it with the readers of this blog. I …
Ann Stehney, vice president for institutional research and planning at Fairfield University in Connecticut, plays favorites when it comes to CIRP surveys. While Stehney uses and values other CIRP surveys too, including the Freshman Survey, Your First College Year and the …