How Diverse Is Your Campus?
On March 6, 2011, writer Sara Lipka of The Chronicle of Higher Education explored what colleges are doing to accommodate and support LGBT students on campus. In doing so, she discussed the importance of gauging students’ feelings about campus climate and mentioned our new Diverse Learning Environments (DLE) Survey.
“A new national survey this spring will try to set standards for comparison. The Cooperative Institutional Research Program, which administers the Freshman Survey, is beginning a Diverse Learning Environments Survey, based on 90 institutional-diversity-and-climate instruments. It will poll all students, asking, for example, how often they have interacted with somebody of a different sexual orientation, whether their classmates seem to appreciate differences, and how satisfied they are with the atmosphere…”
As the only national student-focused survey assessing campus climate and diversity, the DLE helps institutions evaluate the impact of diverse learning environments on student learning. Institutions can use the data to identify areas in which they can improve their diversity practices and overall campus climate to ensure a supportive environment for all students.
Register for the DLE today: