New in the 2013 Reporting-PowerPoint presentations!
Here at CIRP we are always thinking about ways to help you engage your campus in discussions of your survey results. We are happy to announce that starting with the 2013 Your First College Year (YFCY) survey, our institutional reporting will include PowerPoint presentation.
We have designed each PowerPoint presentation to serve as a summary of your survey results and to provide an easy to use template for presenting your results.
Each PowerPoint is divided into topical sections to help you select slides that are most appropriate for different audiences. For example, the 2013 YFCY PowerPoint contains the following sections: Demographics; Adjustment to college; Academic outcomes and experiences; Co-curricular experiences; and Satisfaction. Within each major section, relevant longitudinal constructs, CIRP constructs and survey items are presented for your institution and comparison group. The CSS, DLE, and TFS Powerpoints will be similarly organized, with sections appropriate to each survey.
The notes section of each slide contains additional information that serves as background information about the results displayed. We encourage you to add your own “talking points” to the notes section.
These PowerPoint presentations provide examples of how you might share selected results with various audiences on campus; however we also want to encourage you to expand on any section to highlight items of interest to your specific audience. The slides are editable so that you can easily adjust your peer comparison group, examine trends in items that are particularly important to your institution, or add slides and action items for your campus.
By providing systematic results on students’ experiences and activities and how they impact learning and personal development, we hope these PowerPoint presentations will facilitate focused dialog about implications of the results for campus practices and policies. We also hope institutions will consider sharing results campus-wide by posting summaries of important findings.
Don’t forget to check the CIRP website for additional information. On the website you can find helpful information on each survey origin and conceptual framework, copies of monographs and research briefs summarizing the national findings, recent articles in national publications, research papers and presentations, and registration information for all our surveys.
Share your questions, ideas and feedback in the comments section below or email