NEW infographic on the Diverse Learning Environments Survey
We recently blogged about our new Your First College Year Survey (YFCY) infographic. Now we are putting a spotlight on another new infographic for our Diverse Learning Environments Survey, which we hope will spark conversations about how institutions can promote a more positive campus climate that embraces diversity.
We know that a supportive learning environment for all students leads towards higher retention rates and greater gains in college. But the first step to achieving this type of environment is gaining an understanding of student perceptions on the fundamental institutional practices that relate to campus climate.
This poster not only shows us where we could be doing a better job at making students feel supported, but it also highlights some of the benefits that a positive climate can have on students’ experiences and interactions on campus.
By illuminating the impact of campus climate on student learning, habits of mind, skills for living in a diverse society and student retention and success, we can better understand the needs of our students and what can be done to enhance the student learning environment.
We encourage you to share both posters with your friends and colleagues. Download copies at the above links and feel free to share them on Facebook, Twitter, etc.