Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) 2013 ASHE Annual Conference Pre-Conferences: November 13-14, 2013 General Conference: November 14-16, 2013 St. Louis, Missouri
John H. Pryor will be presenting “Examining the Online Student Experience: Results using the YFCY-OL” with Kristina Craig and Erin Hansmen from Ashford University on Thursday, November 21st from 2:00pm-2:50pm. John will also be presenting “The Economic Story of California: …
Here at CIRP we are always thinking about ways to help you engage your campus in discussions of your survey results. We are happy to announce that starting with the 2013 Your First College Year (YFCY) survey, our institutional reporting …
John H. Pryor will be presenting “Who is Coming to College: Results from the 2013 CIRP Freshman Survey.” AAC&U Annual Meeting January 22-25, 2014 Grand Hyatt Hotel / Washington, DC QUALITY, E-QUALITY, AND OPPORTUNITY How Educational Innovations Will Make —or …
Student participation is critical to the success of your survey administration. Simply put, the more respondents you have, the more confidence you have that your results accurately represent your student body. Many institutions struggle with the challenges associated with obtaining …
Debra Humphreys, in her article “Success After College: What Students, Parents, and Educators Need to Know and Do” in the Spring 2013 Issue of Liberal Education cites the CIRP Freshman Survey finding that more than ever, students are pursuing a …
We are spending this week preparing for the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, which begins May 18 in our backyard of Long Beach. I wanted to highlight several of presentations at the annual forum that draw from …
The inaugural HERI Institute on Faculty Work/Life Issues is fast approaching (May 22-24), and I wanted to share some more information about the curriculum that Dr. Sylvia Hurtado and I have planned. We have designed the Institute to include a …
The 2013 AERA annual conference is upon us, and HERI is excited to announce that 20 papers at the conference will present findings from analyses of CIRP data. Nine of these studies are being presented by HERI staff members or …
This morning on NPR I heard a story on the impact of being asked to categorize ones racial/ethnic background on questionnaires or other queries, such as medical forms. This eight-minute piece reminded me again that a questionnaire is not a …