HERI is excited to announce that 20 papers at the conference will present findings from analyses of CIRP data. Nine of these studies are being presented by HERI staff members or affiliated scholars; the remaining 11 studies have been conducted …
AIR Annual Forum Long Beach, CA May 18-22, 2013 We will again have a booth staffed by your favorite HERI people. We will also have presentations given by HERI-affiliated faculty and staff.
We’ve updated the YFCY infographic to reflect results from the 2012 Your First College Year Survey. There are new versions of both the standard version and the customizable one that you can edit to include your own college’s findings. While we were tinkering …
I was happy to see so much attention in the twitterverse regarding the 2012 Freshman Survey–in particular the finding that more than ever before, students are going to college to get good jobs and make more money. One of the …
With the release of The American Freshman: National Norms, Fall 2012, we know many of you will be thinking about how to put both the national findings and your own institutional results to good use on campus. Here’s how a …
Like the rest of the nation was, we at HERI were shocked and greatly saddened by the senseless violence in Newtown. Since we are in the business of uncovering and promoting what those of us in higher education believe, I …
A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from an Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management and Dean of Student Affairs at a local college. The school is a long-time user of the CIRP Freshman Survey, and she …
We’ve been thinking a lot about the YFCY lately, and how we can help schools best communicate their results. Because the first year of college is such a big deal as it relates to retention, campus climate and overall students’ …
It’s that time of year again when we start looking at the CIRP Freshman Survey results. Last year I described the process by which we determine what to write about in the monograph. This year I am going to give …
The CIRP freshman survey gives us a lot of insight into students’ political beliefs and orientation. So, naturally, we were interested to see how recent CIRP data aligned with the student vote in this year’s election. We know that over …