Search Publications (Title, Author, Keywords, Dates):
Academic Achievement among STEM Aspirants: Why do Black and Latino Students Earn Lower Grades than their White and Asian Counterparts? Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011, (Association for Institutional Research).
STEM Graduate Students' Multiple Identities: How can I be me and be a scientist? Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011, (Presented at National Association of Research on Science Teaching. ).
Pipelines and Pathways: Women of Color in Undergraduate STEM Majors and the College Experiences that Contribute to Persistence Journal Article
In: Harvard Educational Review, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 209-241, 2011, ISSN: 1943-5045.
Becoming STEM Protégés: Factors Predicting the Access and Development of Meaningful Faculty-Student Relationships Technical Report
Higherq Los Angeles, 2011, (Paper presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Toronto, ON, Canada.).
Becoming STEM Protégés: Factors Predicting the Access and Development of Meaningful Faculty-Student Relationships Presentation
24.05.2011, (Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Toronto, ON, Canada.).
22.05.2011, (Presented at Association for Institutional Research, Annual Forum, Toronto ).
The Pathway to Loneliness: When Institutional Support Really Matters for STEM Graduate Students. Association for Institutional Research Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011, (Presented at Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum May, 2011).
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011, (Presented at Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum, May 2011).
Thinking About Race: The Salience of Racial and Ethnic Identity in College and the Climate for Diversity Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011.
College Students with "Hidden" Disabilities Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011.
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011, (Presented at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, April 9, 2011 – New Orleans, LA ).
Toward Devising Measures of Quality and Effectiveness Across All Institutions Journal Article
In: Colleges & University, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 6, 2011.
Crashing the Gate: Identifying Alternative Measures of Student Learning in Introductory Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Courses Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011, (Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.).
Predicting Latina/o STEM Persistence at HSIs and non-HSIs. American Educational Research Association Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011, (Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.).
Latinas/os in STEM: A Longitudinal Look at the Experiences that Lead to Persistence Presentation
04.03.2011, (Presented at American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Sixth Annual National Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 4, 2011 ).
Beyond Engagement: Improving Persistence Through Validation Theory Presentation
19.02.2011, (Presented at 31st Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience, San Antonio, TX ).
The Changing First-Year Student: Challenges for 2011 Presentation
27.01.2011, (Presented at AAC&U Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA ).
Diverse Learning Environments Survey Instrument: Introduction and Select Factors Presentation
Findings from the 2010 Administration of the Your First College Year (YFCY): National Aggregates Technical Report
Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2011.
06.06.2012, (Paper presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, New Orleans, LA.).