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Register Now for the 2014 Diverse Learning Environments Survey
We have opened registration for the 2014 Diverse Learning Environments (DLE) survey. The DLE is CIRP’s newest survey, and it captures student perceptions regarding the institutional climate, campus practices as experienced with faculty, staff, and peers, and student learning outcomes.
As we launch another DLE administration, we would like to let you know about some changes we made to the 2014 survey as well as provide some reminders for both participating institutions and those considering administering the DLE for the first time.
As a reminder, the DLE is a web-based survey that allows you maximum flexibility to set up customized email notifications and reminders as well as customized “welcome” and “thank you” pages. Alternately, HERI can manage email notifications to students for you.
In order to obtain more information about your individual campus population, you can upload 30 closed-ended additional questions and five open-ended additional questions. You can also add up to five different modules – for example, ones on classroom climate and intergroup relations – to your survey. For more information on additional questions, please see here. For a listing of additional modules and more information about them, please see here .
In terms of changes to the survey, we have added more response choices for reasons respondents decided to take courses at another institution. In addition, we have added “Lesbian” and “Queer” as answer choices in the sexual orientation question and changed “LBGT Center” to “LGBTQ Center,” as well as changed “Heterosexual” and “Homosexual” in the sexual orientation question to “Heterosexual/Straight” and “Gay.”
We have also revised/expanded the question about whether students have stopped taking courses for more than one year. Finally, we have changed response categories for how students rate themselves on selected traits compared to the average person their age to “A Major Strength, Somewhat Strong, Average, Somewhat Weak, A Major Weakness.”
If you have questions or need more information on these changes, please feel free to contact HERI at or (310) 825-1925. We thank you for your participation and look forward to assisting you through this DLE cycle.