Our August poll of the month asked about ways in which researchers incentivize survey participation. Survey research has demonstrated that some incentive is better than no incentive, and other studies have investigated how well certain types of incentives work. The …
Undoubtedly a number of presidents, provosts, directors of admissions, and others at elite colleges and universities are either breathing sighs of relief or wringing their hands this morning with the release of the 30th edition of the U.S. News and …
Accreditation remains a driving force behind survey use on college campuses. Because CIRP surveys are comprehensive and designed to be longitudinal, they cover a wide variety of outcomes related to student growth and development. CIRP survey data can be used …
“You have to go there. The Astins are there!” This was how I first became aware of Lena and Sandy Astin. I volunteered as an orientation counselor for incoming students at the start of my senior year at Tulane University …
In HERI’s first-ever Poll of the Month in July, we asked folks about their preferred method of survey administration. We provided three options: paper only, web only, or a combination of both web and paper. In total, we had 59 …
We’ve been thinking quite a bit about retention at the Higher Education Research Institute this summer. We have the Retention and Persistence Institute just two weeks away (July 29-30), and we unveiled a couple of new tools in beta stage …
You may have noticed a new feature that we added to the web site this week: the HERI Poll of the Month. We will change the question each month and post a short blog about the previous month’s results. This …
Accreditation remains a driving force behind survey use on college campuses. Because CIRP surveys are comprehensive and designed to be longitudinal, they cover a wide variety of outcomes related to student growth and development. CIRP survey data can be used …
In case you needed a reason to enjoy warm, sunny Southern California this summer, HERI will again be offering four two-day institutes throughout July and August. These workshops provide opportunities for researchers and practitioners to connect on issues related to …
This entry is posted on behalf of Melissa Aragon. We are excited to highlight a new way we are helping CIRP Freshman Survey participating institutions show off their results. We are in the second year of our CIRP Freshman Survey …