At the end of the decade (century and millennium!), the engines of economic growth were operating at break-neck speed, fueled in large part by the dot-com bubble. In 1999, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above the 10,000 mark, and …
President Bill Clinton garnered much news coverage in 1998, as he became only the second United States President to be impeached by the House of Representatives. Other notable world events included the establishment of the International Criminal Court, the awarding …
Midway through 1997, the first Harry Potter book, originally Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was released in London. The beginning of the Harry Potter era coincided with the ending of another—that of “Deep Blue”—which defeated Chess Champion Gary Kasparaov …
In 1996, Bill Clinton was reelected for a second term, the Centennial Summer Olympics as well as the Paralympics were held in Atlanta, Rent moved to Broadway to start a 12-year run at the Nederlander Theatre, and a Clean Air …
Several achievements and milestones were made this year that should be noted. Steve Fossett successfully flew solo across the Pacific Ocean in a hot air balloon. DVDs were announced (and then introduced to the market in 1996). Prehistoric paintings and …
This year screens lit up with The Lion King. Quotes from Forrest Gump were immortalized. Friends met up at Central Perk for the first time. Nancy Kerrigan was struck by the “whack heard around the world.” The Winter Olympics were …
A new president kicked off 1993. Tragedy struck professional tennis. The World Wide Web went public. Abortion protests came under fire. And an agreement was made to reduce nuclear warheads. Bill Clinton took office as the 42nd President of the …
This year the Space Shuttle Endeavour made its maiden flight in May; and its second flight a few months later in September with the first African American woman in space, Mae Jemison. Now decommissioned and on display at the California …
This year was a tumultuous one right out of the gate, beginning with the Gulf War and then wrapping up with the fall of the Soviet Union. The Gulf War ramped up from Operation Desert Shield to Operation Desert Storm …
Major scientific and historic advances and accomplishments were made in 1990. The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into orbit. Antarctica was crossed for the first time on dogsled by the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition consisting of six explorers all from …